Deleted Photos Reappearing: A Technical Glitch in iOS 17.5 Worries Users


Deleted Photos Reappearing


In an unexpected turn of events, many iPhone users reported that deleted photos reappeared on their devices after updating to the new iOS 17.5. This technical glitch has raised concerns about data security and storage management on Apple devices. This article delves into the details of the issue and its impact on users.

deleted photos reappearing
deleted photos reappearing

Issue Details: Deleted Photos Reappearing

After updating to iOS 17.5, numerous iPhone users noticed the reappearance of old photos they had deleted long ago. Some users mentioned that photos from 2021 resurfaced, while others saw deleted photos reappearing from years past in their albums.

Beta Testers' Complaints

The complaints weren't limited to end users; beta testers of iOS 17.5 also reported the same issue before the official release. This indicates that the problem of deleted photos reappearing was known prior to the launch but wasn't fully resolved.

Noteworthy Individual Cases

One user reported that around 300 old photos reappeared on an iPad that had been wiped clean and sold according to Apple's guidelines. This incident raised questions about the effectiveness of data deletion and the potential for deleted photos reappearing.

No Sync or iCloud Use

Interestingly, some users who experienced the reappearance of old photos do not sync their phones or use iCloud. This suggests that deleted photos reappearing could result from the photos being hidden in the device's internal storage, supporting the idea that data is not completely deleted but merely hidden.

Analysis: Are Data Really Deleted?

The reappearance of deleted photos suggests that data might not be permanently deleted when removed by users. Instead, operating systems may simply prevent access to these data. A technical glitch can cause these data to resurface, raising concerns about data privacy and the security of deleted photos reappearing on Apple devices.

Reactions and Apple's Silence

So far, Apple has not issued an official response to this problem, which has heightened users' concerns and speculation. Some users noted that the issue might not be limited to photos, with one individual on the "X" platform reporting the reappearance of old voicemails alongside deleted photos reappearing after the update.

Issue Extending to Other Data

Complaints about deleted photos reappearing and old voicemails suggest that the problem might affect other types of deleted data. This increases the likelihood of a broader glitch in how iOS 17.5 handles deleted data.


The deleted photos reappearing after updating to iOS 17.5 is a serious issue that raises questions about the effectiveness of data security on Apple devices. With no official comment from Apple yet, users remain anxious and uncertain. Apple needs to address this glitch promptly to restore user confidence and ensure the privacy of their data.

By emphasizing the issue of deleted photos reappearing, this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the problem and its potential implications.
